Schedule 3 Surgical Procedures For Nurses 27th Oct 2023
Central CPD
Date: Friday 27th October, 2023
Start time: 10:00 AM
Duration: 7 hour(s)
Cost: £395
Schedule 3 of the Veterinary Surgeons Act allows registered veterinary nurses to perform acts of minor surgery under veterinary supervision. This highly practical cadaver-based course aims to give an introduction to the typical procedures covered under this legislation, allowing delegates to gain confidence in their surgical skills in a relaxed setting. The initial management of traumatic wounds will be covered, along with the decision making process of why, when, and how we close these wounds. Some specific procedures will also be outlined and performed.
Topics to be covered include:
• Initial management of traumatic wounds – lavage and debridement
• Suture material selection, suture patterns, and instrumentation
• Suturing skills – how to close traumatic wounds
• Surgical drains – why we use them & how we place them
• Ear and tail injuries – management and amputation
*Please Note: This is a cadaver-based course*
Who is it for?
Vet Nurse
Number of CPD hours this event can be recorded as
7 hours
Registration and Booking
Click here to reserve your place
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