Surgical Management Of Urethral Obstruction In The Cat
University of Nottingham

Date: Wednesday 29th October, 2025 - Wednesday 29th October, 2025
Start time: 1:22 PM - 1:23 PM
Duration: 1 hour(s)
Cost: FREE
This highly practical one-day course will focus on the surgical management of urethral obstruction in the cat. The course will be very practical in nature and will take place in the wet lab of the centre. All surgical procedures will be demonstrated before delegates are given the opportunity to perform each procedure for themselves. Where appropriate the course will also include explanatory seminars/tutorials.
Topics to be covered
Surgical anatomy urogenital tract in the male cat
Diagnosis and emergency management options for urethral obstruction in cats
How to place a tube cystostomy
When and how to perform a perineal urethrostomy
Learning Objectives
By the end of this course delegates should have an understanding of:
Surgical principles in the management of urethral obstruction in the cat
The appropriate use of perineal urethrostomy in the management of urethral obstruction in the cat
Hands-on practical experience of the perineal urethrostomy procedure
Outcomes, risks, complications - and their management - associated with perineal urethrostomy
Who is it for?
The course is aimed at the general practitioner with a keen interest and knowledge of small animal surgery. Delegates should have surgical experience and possess a basic working knowledge of the condition of urethral obstruction in the cat. The course would also be very applicable to veterinary surgeons undertaking a surgical internship or surgical certificate.
The Speakers
Professor Rob White BSc BVetMed DSc CertVA DSAS (Soft Tissue) DipECVS SFHEA FRCVS
The Venue
The School of Veterinary Medicine and Science is based at the Sutton Bonington Campus of the University of Nottingham.
The Sutton Bonington Campus encompasses world-leading laboratories and specialist facilities for studying biosciences and veterinary medicine.
Number of CPD hours this event can be recorded as
8 hours
Registration and Booking
Click here to reserve your place
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