CPD Solutions

Date: Monday 7th October, 2024 - Tuesday 8th October, 2024
Start time: 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Cost: £3416.4
This highly practical two-day course will teach you how to plan and carry out TPLO surgery based on the Slocum technique. You’ll learn how to select appropriate patients and recognise dogs who would do better with a different procedure. Practical sessions will teach you to obtain appropriately positioned radiographs and practise preoperative radiographic planning. You’ll carry out the surgical approach and the TPLO technique in extensive guided wet lab sessions with hands-on help and invaluable practical tips from the expert and approachable tutor. Leave with the confidence and skills you need to tackle TPLO surgery effectively in your practice.
What you’ll learn:
Essential overview of CCL disease and meniscal injury
How to choose the right patients for TPLO and evaluate them radiographically
Practical labs covering radiographic planning and surgical technique
TPLO surgical approach and technique – lots of hands-on practice and invaluable practical tips
Aftercare for the best outcomes for your patients
Complications, how to minimise and manage them
Who is it for?
Veterinary Surgeons
The Speakers
Course Tutor: Jonathan Pink BSc BVetMed CertSAS DipECVS MRCVS
Number of CPD hours this event can be recorded as
14 hours
Registration and Booking