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AWF Discussion Forum 2025


2 weeks ago

Date: Monday 19th May, 2025 - Monday 19th May, 2025
Start time: 9:00 AM - 8:30 PM
Duration: 1 hour(s)
Cost: £140

The AWF Discussion Forum is an annual event that brings together expert speakers, veterinary and animal welfare professionals, students and parliamentarians to confront current welfare issues and inspire change.

It is a unique event entirely dedicated to animal welfare, providing a platform for the veterinary and animal welfare community to discuss and debate topical, cross-species animal welfare issues. The event has been the springboard for engaging the veterinary profession with contentious issues, such as overtreatment, welfare in equine sport and understanding the link between domestic abuse and animal abuse, as well as influencing policy on animal welfare.

The programme is carefully designed to appeal to a wide range of delegates who are encouraged to engage fully in the discussions which form an integral part of each session. The day is CPD accredited and offers great networking opportunities.

The 2025 edition will have sessions on:
- Translating behaviour: How can vet professionals feel more confident using animal behaviour as a meaningful welfare indicator?
- Breeding for better welfare, focussing on extreme conformation in companion animals
- The economics of animal welfare, exploring the economic factors associated with improving farm animal welfare, with insights into human behaviour
- Ornamental Fish: Welfare, Sentience, and the Captive Experience, providing insight into the pet fish industry, fish sentience, and the limitations and opportunities for pet fish welfare
More information on the sessions here:

We will hear the latest updates on AWF funded research and give some delegates the unique opportunity to take to the stage and present a Lightning Talk on an animal welfare topic that they are passionate about.

Who is it for?

veterinary and allied professionals, animal welfare professionals, researchers, animal welfare scientists, policy makers, media, academics, lecturers and students in animal welfare, animal behaviour, agricultural sciences, zoology, biology, and social sciences.

The Speakers

The Venue

Cavendish Conference Centre
22 Duchess Mews, London W1G 9DT

Number of CPD hours this event can be recorded as

6 hours

Registration and Booking

Click here to reserve your place