Nutrition For Challenging Cases
Excel CPD - Vet Nurse CPD

Date: Monday 3rd November, 2025 - Friday 12th December, 2025
Start time: 12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
Duration: 15 hour(s)
Cost: £255
Week 1: Preparing to Feed Patients within the Veterinary Hospital
This week aims to identify the key pieces of information required from the pet owner, in order to give their pets the best chance of voluntarily consuming food whilst in the veterinary hospital.
After completion of this week, participants should be able to:
Identify which information is vital to collect from the pet owner
Appreciate the who, how and when of information collection
Understand how to create the ideal eating environment for your patients
Understand all aspects of the hospital food kitchen
Week 2: Hospital Nutrition
Every effort should be made to get patients eating on their own. Choosing appropriate foods and timings will largely depend on the results of the nutritional assessment. Patients may not eat well whilst they are in the hospital, for a wide range of reasons, and nutritional support may be required; firstly we tempt them to eat and if unsuccessful, look at other methods of assisted feeding.
After completion of this week, participants should be able to:
Understand how to feed appetent patients:
Communicate the nutrition plan
Select appropriate foods and feeding times
Offer a tailored approach to each individual patient
Understand how to feed inappetent patients:
Appreciate the available options Identify environmental adaptations
Offer assisted feeding
Week 3: Critical Care Nutrition
Despite all efforts some patients may be either too unwell or unwilling to voluntarily consume any food whilst in the hospital, and assistance in the form of feeding tubes will be required.
After completion of this week, participants should be able to:
Understand the process of feeding tube selection
Provide maintenance and care of feeding tubes
Confidently calculate nutritional requirements and food quantities
Week 4: Diabetic Patients
A diagnosis of diabetes can be very worrying and overwhelming for pet owners with many elements to consider. Nutrition plays a vital role in the management of both cats and dogs with diabetes. As the type of diabetes frequently seen in dogs and cats differ, a disease specific recommendation will be required.
After completion of this week, participants should be able to:
Implement stable feeding routines for diabetic dogs
Describe the ideal food composition for diabetic cats
Understand how to manage concurrent obesity
Week 5: Multiple Concurrent Conditions and Difficult Decisions
As with many things in life, challenges rarely occur alone. Patients often present us with dietary dilemmas and decision making can be difficult. However, by knowing what to prioritise, where to compromise and where to go for help, a suitable nutritional solution can be found for all.
After completion of this week, participants should be able to:
Understand nutritional concerns in cancer patients
Explain nutritional care for end of life patients
Provide nutritional advice for patients with concurrent diseases
Understand what to do when no suitable diet exists
List sources of additional nutritional information
Week 6: Client Communication
Although much in known about providing nutrition in many different circumstances, excellent client communication is a key part of dietary plan implementation. Getting communication right means your recommendation is more likely to be followed, clients know who to trust and who they should talk to if problems arise. This is an excellent way to demonstrate the high level of care you are providing to their beloved pet.
After completion of this week, participants should be able to:
Create the right environment for discussions
Gauge readiness of the client to discuss their pet’s diet
Approach information gathering to maximise responses
Understand what to do if the owner is feeding a nonstandard diet
Make clear recommendations and manage expectations
Monitor and make adjustments to the nutrition plan
Tutor: Georgia Woods-Lee
Date: 3rd Nov - 12th Dec 2025
Cost: £255 +vat
Length: 6 weeks
CPD: 15 hours
Level: Intermediate
Who is it for?
Veterinary Nurses
The Speakers
Georgia Woods-Lee BSC (Hons), RVN, Cert CFVHNut, VTS (Nutrition)
Number of CPD hours this event can be recorded as
15 hours
Registration and Booking
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