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Intermediate Dentistry (2 Day Course) Thursday 11th April 2024

Central CPD

9 months ago

Date: Thursday 11th April, 2024 - Thursday 11th April, 2024
Start time: 10:00 AM - 5:30 PM
Cost: £1195

Dentistry in general practice can extend beyond oral hygiene and simple extractions for those with an interest in the discipline. This highly practical two-day course is designed to allow participants to progress in dentistry and learn more advanced techniques that, with little investment in equipment and materials, can be performed in a general practice setting.

A review of sectioning multi-rooted teeth and designing appropriate mucogingival flaps will be covered, before discussing effective ways to extract fractured/retained tooth roots and repair oronasal/oroantral fistulas – either as a complication of pathology or iatrogenic extractions.

The approach to odontogenic trauma, focusing on detecting and understanding the pathology and its consequences, will be discussed, with practical session covering simple restorative techniques for uncomplicated crown fractures and enamel defects.

The course will also include the differences in approach to extractions of feline teeth in comparison to dogs, less commonly seen feline oral pathology, techniques for repair of symphyseal separation and rostral mandibular fractures in cats and ‘sins’ of veterinary dentistry - common mistakes in managing and treating dental cases.

Topics to be covered include:

Extraction of fractured/retained tooth roots
Repair of oronasal and oroantral fistulas
Restorative techniques for uncomplicated crown fractures and enamel defects
Repair of feline symphyseal separation and rostral mandibular fractures

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