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Abdominal Surgery - The Essentials

Royal Veterinary College

4 years ago

Date: Tuesday 24th June, 2025 - Tuesday 24th June, 2025
Start time: 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Cost: £1049

Key Areas
It all looks normal, what now? Maximising an exploratory laparotomy
Is it surgical? Abdominal radiographs for surgeons
The foreign body sweep stake – surgery of the intestinal tract
The dreaded Saturday night on call, alone with a GDV!
Oh no, it’s a big fat bitch spay – ovariectomy, OHE and C-section
Help, all I can see is blood! Haemoabdomen, splenectomy and liver surgery

About this course
Does your heart sink when you see there is a large dog neuter on the surgery list? Do you hesitate to do an exploratory laparotomy even though in your heart you know it is the next best diagnostic step? Would you like to feel more confident dealing with your next acute abdomen?

The aim of this course is to improve the confidence of those veterinarians who sometimes (or always) feel out of their depth when performing routine abdominal surgical procedures in small animal practice.

The practical day will allow you to perform fundamental procedures required for abdominal surgery ranging from entering the abdomen safely, tying secure ligatures, isolating organs within the abdomen and developing a systematic approach to exploration of the abdominal cavity.

Why do this course?
You will learn how to perform exploratory laparotomy and a range of abdominal procedures with confidence and gain insight into the clinical decision making that can optimise patient care.

Who is it for?


The Speakers

Please see the RVC's website for speaker details.

Number of CPD hours this event can be recorded as

16 hours

Registration and Booking

Click here to reserve your place

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