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Haematology And Cytology Online For Veterinary Nurses

Royal Veterinary College

6 years ago

Date: Monday 22nd September, 2025 - Sunday 2nd November, 2025
Start time: 12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
Cost: £359

Key Areas
Preparation of high quality blood smears (that can be examined efficiently) with additional advanced techniques (e.g. PCV <10%)
Top tips for using Diff-Quik type stains, alternative staining options
Optimal microscope setup and maintenance/care that helps the efficient use
Systematic approach to the examination of a blood smear
Assessment of smears for platelet clumping and estimating platelet concentration
How to recognise regenerative anaemia (in <10 seconds) and key red blood cell morphological changes
White blood cell morphology and differential counts, neutrophil left shift and toxicity (what the machines can’t recognize)
Strength and weakness of in-house analysers vs. sending samples away
Top tips for fine needle biopsy samples of lumps and bumps
Smear preparation techniques for aspirates, fluids to achieve highly diagnostic samples
Key cytology concepts in lumps and bumps cytology, fluids and lymph nodes

About this course
Would you like to be able to provide invaluable nurse support to haematology and cytology cases in your practice? Are you able to consistently make high quality blood smears and examine them efficiently in the microscope?

The ever widening availability of in house haematology analysers have brought about a gap in knowledge of blood smear examination, which is essential for the reliable and safe use of these machines in the veterinary practice. Veterinary nurses can provide invaluable benefit to the veterinary practice by being able to perform an efficient blood smear examination, which can validate the in-house analysis, detect key abnormalities (that the machines can’t), and flag potential need for expert review. Nurses can also provide great help to perform cytological examination of lumps, bumps, organs, fluids, from collection to smear preparation to microscopic examination and/or submission to external laboratories.

The first half of the course (haematology) helps nurses to develop the necessary skills to prepare high quality blood smears, to perform optimal staining, to best setup the microscope for blood smear examination, and to carry out a systematic, highly efficient (3-5 min) blood smear examination in order to achieve the above mentioned goals. Strength and weakness of such analysers will also be discussed.

In the second half of the course top tips will be shared to improve aspiration technique to provide more diagnostic samples, and also new techniques will be taught. We will also discuss how to achieve good staining, and will work on microscopic skill development, which will help with efficiency during the use of a microscope.

The course runs with weekly webinars with specific aspects of haematology and cytology for each week with additional videos, simulators, quizzes and other materials provided to achieve the above goals. An active tutor-moderated discussion forum is also used to discuss any questions regarding technique, study cases, specific topics in haematology and cytology, and participants’ cases.

Why do this course?

You will improve your skills and efficiency in preparing and assessing high quality blood smears and cytological samples.

Who is it for?

vet nurses

The Speakers

Barbara Glanemann, DrMedVet DipECVIM PGDipVetEd FHEA MRCVSSenior Lecturer in Small Animal MedicineThe Royal Veterinary CollegeBalazs Szladovits, DVM DipACVP PGDipVetEdAssociate Professor in Clinical PathologyThe Royal Veterinary College

Number of CPD hours this event can be recorded as

18 hours

Registration and Booking

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