Infection Prevention And Control - Common Conundrums In Practice
Royal Veterinary College

Date: Monday 6th October, 2025 - Sunday 16th November, 2025
Start time: 12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
Cost: £359
Key Areas
Hand hygiene
PPE use
Common infectious diseases and current emerging pathogens
Transmission of pathogens (patient/staff and hospital)
Common conundrums with infection control in practice
Hints and tips to improve infection control
About this course
How confident is your team at dealing with known or suspected infectious disease? Which ones are slipping through the net!?
Ever wondered if there was a better way of isolating your kennel cough patient than in the cupboard under the stairs? Would you like to learn tips to improve infection control for your team? Are you aware of the potential risk of transmission of disease to you and your colleagues? In this course we look at common infectious disease seen in practice and the most effective changes you can make to protect your staff, your practice and your clients’ pets!
Why do this course
This course will improve your knowledge of common issues in practice with infection control, infectious disease and current emerging pathogens. You will learn how to engage your team to take infection control seriously as well as learn tips on how to improve infection control.
Who is it for?
The Speakers
Gemma Cooper, FdSc CertECC RVN<br /> Veterinary Infection Control Manager<br /> The Royal Veterinary College
Number of CPD hours this event can be recorded as
18 hours
Registration and Booking
Click here to reserve your place
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