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Unravel The Riddle Of Neurology Practical Clinical Reasoning In Small Animal Neurology Online

Royal Veterinary College

6 years ago

Date: Monday 22nd September, 2025 - Sunday 2nd November, 2025
Start time: 12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
Cost: £729

Key Areas
The perfect neurological examination for dogs or cats and how to localise the lesion
Problem solving and management of paroxysmal disorders, such epileptic seizures and movement disorders
Vestibular system – central or peripheral? What does it really mean?
Problem solving in spinal diseases – specific neuro exam findings for specific diseases
Weakness – define the problem, define the system
Neurological emergencies – no reason to panic

About this course
No need for neurophobia – the five finger rule will enable you to tackle any neuro case with confidence!

This course aims to equip you with the knowledge and skills required to apply clinical reasoning skills to important neurological problems that present in small animal practice. Not only will you develop and strengthen your problem solving skills in veterinary neurology, you will also become more confident in identifying abnormalities seen on the neurological examination and in managing neurological cases.

Why do this course?
Neurology is like maths – people either love it or hate it. We will provide you with tools to enable you to think like a neurologist and feel confident to manage any neurological presentation. We hope to make you love neurology!

Who is it for?


The Speakers

Holger Volk, DVM DipECVN PhD FHEA MRCVSProfessor for Small Animal Diseases, University of Veterinary Medicine HannoverHonorary Professor of Veterinary Neurology and Neurosurgery, The Royal Veterinary College

The Venue


Number of CPD hours this event can be recorded as

42 hours

Registration and Booking

Click here to reserve your place

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