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Anaesthetising Dental Patients

Excel CPD - Vet Nurse CPD

1 year ago

Date: Monday 3rd February, 2025 - Friday 28th February, 2025
Start time: 9:00 AM - 12:00 AM
Duration: 10 hour(s)
Cost: £205

Week 1: Dentistry Analgesia
Different analgesia drugs available
Dose selection
Routes of administration
Drug combinations
Local nerve blocks
Sides effects of drugs

Learning objectives
Assist the veterinary surgeon in selecting appropriate analgesic drugs for different oral surgeries
Be aware of potential side effects of these drugs
Alongside the veterinary surgeon, create a tailored drug protocol for each patient to go home with
Comfortably calculate analgesic drugs at low doses
Be aware of what drugs are suitable as a combination
Understand the exclusion or reduced dose of some drugs, regarding co-morbidities
Use pain scoring methods and understand what analgesia the patient may need

Week 2: Anaesthesia – Airway Security and Hypothermia
How to maintain a patent airway
Patient positioning
To cuff or not to cuff?
Causes of hypothermia
Negative effects of hypothermia
Preventing and treating hypothermia

Learning objectives
Understand different styles of ET tubes and their benefits and potential negatives
Understand appropriate ET tube cuff pressures and why this is so integral to protecting the airway
Appreciate techniques to protect the airway
Know the gold standard method to move patients under anaesthesia, whilst protecting their airway
List the common causes of hypothermia
Understand the negative effects of hypothermia
Have practical knowledge on how to prevent and treat hypothermia
Understand the risk of using some heating devices

Week 3: Anaesthesia – Managing Hypotension
Causes of hypotension
Negative side effects of hypotension
How to obtain accurate blood pressure reading
How to prevent hypotension
Fluid therapy Anaesthesia drug choices
The use of vasopressors and anticholinergics

Learning objectives
Obtain accurate blood pressure readings for cats and dogs under general anaesthesia for dentistry
Understand the limitations of blood pressure measurements and troubleshoot potential problems
Know what is deemed as an appropriate blood pressure reading under general anaesthetic
Know which drugs may interfere with maintaining blood pressure
Understand what could happen to our patients if left hypotensive
Feel more confident, alongside the veterinary surgeon, in making a treatment plan tailored to each individual patient, to treat any hypotensive episodes

Week 4: Post-operative Care
Immediate post op care once extubated
Care for patients in the recovery ward
Discharge instructions
Post op care at home
Post op checks

Learning objectives
Maintain and monitor a patent airway in the immediate post-operative period
Understand the importance of close monitoring in recovery
Create a post-operative plan tailored to each individual patient
Feel confident to create discharge instructions for your patient
Confidently communicate with the owner about the anaesthesia and surgery the patient has received
Perform a thorough physical post-operative check, including the whole patient
Understand the best dental care an owner can provide at home, along with alternative options if these goals cannot be met

Tutor: Stacey Parker
Date: 3rd February - 28th Feb 2025
Cost: £205 +vat
Length: 4 weeks
CPD: 10 hours
Level: Intermediate

Who is it for?

Veterinary Nurses

Number of CPD hours this event can be recorded as

10 hours

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