ECPD Abdominal Ultrasonography Online 2025
Royal Veterinary College

Date: Monday 21st April, 2025 - Sunday 25th May, 2025
Start time: 12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
Cost: £669
Key Areas
Understand the basic physics of diagnostic ultrasound
Be familiar with common ultrasound artefacts. How to identify them and how to correct them or use them for your interpretation
Learn how to set the ultrasound machine for an examination and the options you have for recording images and clips
Review and become familiar with the normal ultrasonographic appearance of the major abdominal organs of the dog and cat
Learn the technique to perform a basic abdominal ultrasound examination
Learn the technique and how to practice ultrasound-guided fine needle aspirates and biopsies
About this course
Would you like to start to build your ultrasound knowledge and skills from the comfort of your own computer?
This online course is designed to provide you with the knowledge and skills required to perform a basic abdominal ultrasonographic examination. The online course is followed by an optional practical session (8 CPD hours) on Wednesday 12th June2024 this date is subject to change due to ongoing building works. Participants booked on the Abdominal ultrasonography online course will have priority booking for this practical session and will be emailed once the course is bookable.
Why do this course?
At the end of the course you will have developed techniques and a structured approach to allow you to perform a basic abdominal ultrasound in a dog or cat.
Course notes
An online version of Pete Mantis’ latest Practical small animal ultrasonography book is included in the course fee. For more information on the book and to purchase a hard copy please see Practical small animal ultrasonography: Abdomen
Who is it for?
The Speakers
Pete Mantis, DVM DipECVDI FHEA FRCVSHead of Diagnostic Imaging, Dick White ReferralsHonorary Associate Professor of Diagnostic Imaging, Nottingham University
The Venue
Number of CPD hours this event can be recorded as
26 hours
Registration and Booking
Click here to reserve your place
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