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Nurse Clinics

Excel CPD - Vet Nurse CPD

7 months ago

Date: Monday 1st September, 2025 - Friday 26th September, 2025
Start time: 12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
Duration: 10 hour(s)
Cost: £205

Week 1 - Setting Up and Running Nurse Clinics

Which clinics to run?
Charging for clinics
Standardisation of the clinics
Client compliance
How to increase client numbers
Making recommendations
Marketing and publicity
Building confidence
Reflective practice

Learning objectives

Understand the consulting nurse’s pivotal role in practice
Appreciate the varying types of clinics nurses can offer
Learn how to increase numbers coming into clinics, and increase recommendations to the clinics
Understand how to increase client compliance in clinics
Know various ways to market and advertise the clinics on offer

Week 2 - Consulting Skills

Communication in clinics
Consultation skills
Content of your clinic
Keeping to time

Learning objectives

Understand the process of consulting
Understand the importance of communication, the customer journey and improving outcomes
Understand the importance of protocols for clinic content and the running of these clinics

Week 3 - Lifestage Clinics

Puppy and kitten clinics
Senior clinics
Other lifestage clinics
What to include
Timings of clinics

Learning objectives

Timings of clinics and how these will improve client education and binding to the practice
Understand the content for these clinics and what to discuss with clients at this time
Understand the elements of preventative healthcare
Understand the importance of nutritional assessments in all of the nurse clinics

Week 4 - Obesity and Mobility Clinics

Content of mobility and obesity clinics
Nutritional requirements for obesity
Client motivation

Learning objectives

Understand the content to include for each of these clinics
Learn how to calculate feeding amounts, what treats (if any) we can feed and exercise regimes.
Understand how environmental adaptations can improve QOL for our pets with mobility issues
Understand the role of supplements in these cases
Discuss methods of how to motivate clients

Tutors: Nicola Lakeman
Date: 1st Sept - 26th Sept 2025
Cost: £205 +vat
Length: 4 weeks
CPD: 10 hours
Level: Intermediate

Who is it for?

Veterinary Nurses

Number of CPD hours this event can be recorded as

10 hours

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