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Let There Be Light! - Ophthalmology For Beginners

University of Nottingham

3 years ago

Date: Tuesday 6th June, 2023 - Tuesday 6th June, 2023
Start time: 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Duration: 1 hour(s)
Cost: £240

If the thought of an eye consult fills you with fear, this day is for you! This highly interactive day will help to build your confidence and develop a logical, problem-solving approach to common ophthalmic presentations. The course will include top tips to improve your ophthalmic examination, dealing with ophthalmic emergencies and a case-based approach to corneal ulcers and other commond ophthalmic presenations.

Who is it for?

This course is aimed at new graduates, those taking the next step in their career, as a refresher after taking a career break or changing disciplines. The day is designed to be highly applicable to first opinion pratice, focussing on common presentations, with tips and tricks to help you evolve as a competent and confident general practitioner.

The Speakers

Lucy Hughes MA Vet GPCert (Ophthalmology) CertAVP MRCVS

Number of CPD hours this event can be recorded as

8 hours

Registration and Booking

Click here to reserve your place

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