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Sports Horse Medicine & Orthopedics Lectures (online), On-Location Case-Discussions & Practical Sessions

VetPD - Veterinary Professional Development

3 years ago

Cost: FREE

Equine practitioners working with sports horses are under considerable pressure to keep the horses under their care competing at the highest level at all times. Furthermore, evaluating poorly performing competition horses can be a daunting task because the clinical signs caused by different conditions may be very similar, leaving vets wondering where to start their investigation.To participate in the On-Location Portion, attendees are required to have first worked through the corresponding online Lecture Series Sports Horse Medicine & Orthopaedics':If you have already purchased the Lecture Series independently of the On-Location Portion, please contact the office on [email protected] for a voucher code to reduce the price accordingly.As part of the online Lecture Series the following topics will be covered in highly illustrated lectures and case presentations: On-demandA Novel Perspective on Overground EndoscopyWhich Heart Murmurs are relevant in Sports HorsesExercise Testing Identifying Subclinical Problems in Sports HorsesFeeding the Competitive AthleteApplications for Objective Lameness Evaluation Analysis in Sports HorsesLive-StreamedStart Time: 1PM EST / 12PM CDT / 11AM MDT / 10AM PDTDateTime (EST)SpeakerTitleDuration2 August1:00 1:45Emmanuelle Van ErckNew Ways of using Haematology & Biochemistry in Sports Horses40 min 1:45 2:45Emmanuelle Van ErckQ&A / Case-Discussion60 min9 August1:00 2:05Matt DurhamPractical Equine Rehabilitation A review of Available Modalities60 min 2:05 2:50Matt DurhamContentious Issues in Sports Horse Pre-Purchase Examination40 min16 August1:00 1:55Andy Fiske-JacksonLameness Examination When things get complicated Reliability/Repeatability of Blocks, Multi-Site/Limb Lameness etc.50 min 1:55 2:50Andy Fiske-JacksonLatest Developments in Orthopaedic Therapies Polyacrylamide, Pro-stride, Resveratrol, Stem Cell Therapy, PrP, IRAP etc.60 min Day 1 starts at 15:00h with 3 hours of interactive Case-Discussions, Q&A which will give attendees the unique opportunity to apply what they have learned during Lecture Series in discussion with the world-renowned specialists. This will then be followed by the obligatory Wine & Cheese Reception allowing for attendees to socialise with colleagues and the speakers/instructors.On the second day, 7 hours of practical sessions will allow attendees to further their practical skills on live horses in small groups (2-4 vets per ultrasound). Each attendee will rotate through the following practical sessions supervised by the specialists:Distal Limb Ultrasound Attendees to choose area to examineDigital Flexor Tendon Sheath & Fetlock orPastern RegionObjective Lameness Evaluation (Equinosis Q Lameness Locator) as part of the Lameness ExaminationUpper Respiratory Endoscopy & Overground Case DiscussionsUltrasound of the Tarsus & Tarsal SheathObjective Lameness Evaluation as part of the Pre-Purchase ExamExercise Testing ECG, Lactate Measurements etc.The course fee includes coffee/tea breaks, a wine & cheese reception, lunch and a certificate of attendance. To participate in the On-Location Case-Discussions & Practical Sessions, attendees are required to have first worked through the Lecture Series (included in the price). Early course registration is recommended as there are only a limited number of places available due to the highly practical nature of this course.

The Venue

Peterson & Smith Equine Hospital, Ocala, FL

Registration and Booking

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