Emergency Critical Care : Being Prepared For Emergency Cases : Triage, Patient Monitoring Monitoring Clinical Parameters
Vet Nurse Online

Duration: 1 hour(s)
Cost: £170
This lecture focuses on being prepared for emergency cases. It examines in detail the process of patient triage, giving detailed case studies to consider, and then moves on to discuss in detail the monitoring of patients and then on to monitoring of clinical parameters.
For more information about the lecture and to see the current CPD Library Collection see www.VetNurseOnline.co.uk
To sign up for yearly membership to access the library costs £170 and gives access to all the lectures and personal CPD log with no extra costs.
Who is it for?
Vet Nurses
The Speakers
Louise O’Dwyer MBA BSc(Hons) VTS(ECC) DipAVN(Medical, Surgical) RVN
Number of CPD hours this event can be recorded as
1 hours
Registration and Booking