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Tuesday, 11th February 2025 | 2,214 veterinary jobs online | 96 people actively seeking work | 5,528 practices registered

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Nutritional Support For The Critical Patient

Vet Nurse Online

12 years ago

Duration: 1 hour(s)
Cost: £170

This months addition to the Vet Nurse Online CPD Library is uploaded entitled \"Nutritional Support for the Critical Patient\". This full length online lecture takes a detailed look at the role of nutrition in emergency and critical patients and looks at the different options available for providing nutritional support for these patients. It discusses when to consider tube feeding, nutritional assessment of patients, and the actual placement of tubes. It also discuss diet choice and calculating how much to feed.

Yearly Membership to our CPD library costs £170 with no additional costs and enables access to this online lecture as well as many, many more.

For further details see

Who is it for?


The Speakers

Louise O’ Dwyer MBA BSc(Hons) VTS(ECC) DipAVN(Medical, Surgical) RVN

Number of CPD hours this event can be recorded as

1 hours

Registration and Booking

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