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Recorded Webinar Series: Transfusion Medicine - Perfect Pets Helping Poorly Patients

Royal Veterinary College

2 years ago

Duration: 4 hour(s)
Cost: £115

About this course
Walking you through achieving a successful donation to providing a safe and effective transfusion.

This series of webinars is an ideal way for you to learn the fundamentals of performing blood donation in cats and dogs. It will look at what makes the perfect donor, and what steps you can take to help achieve a successful donation with your ‘perfect pet’s’ welfare the priority. We will review the importance of blood typing and crossmatching based on current research and discuss the best methods to perform these. Lastly, we will move on to the administration of blood products to the ‘poorly patient’. We will cover infusion rates, monitoring the patient during transfusion and identifying and managing transfusion reactions.

Why do this course?
The content of this course is designed to provide you with the knowledge and skills to confidently take a proactive role in transfusion cases and blood donation. It is aimed at those working in both general practice and in emergency and critical care and is appropriate for both veterinary nurses and vets.

Who is it for?

Vets and vet nurses

The Speakers

Charlotte Russo, DipAVN FdSc RVNHead Transfusion Medicine NurseThe Royal Veterinary College

Number of CPD hours this event can be recorded as

4 hours

Registration and Booking

Click here to reserve your place

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