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Recorded Webinar: Understanding Rabbit And Rodent Dental Disease For Veterinary Nurses

Royal Veterinary College

2 years ago

Duration: 1 hour(s)
Cost: £35

Key Areas
Understanding and identifying normal dental anatomy in rabbits, guinea pigs and chinchillas
Understanding the common aetiology behind dental disease in rabbits, guinea pigs and chinchillas
Recognising common clinical signs in different species with dental disease
Identifying oral pathology on radiographs
Understanding diagnostics and treatment options in dental disease and dental abscesses

About this course
How do you feel about rabbit and rodent dental problems? Could you spot an abnormality on an examination, and would you be able to understand the treatment and diagnostics involved in this common problem seen?

This webinar is designed to give a whistle stop tour of all things dental related in rabbits, guinea pigs and chinchillas. These species will often present differently and more importantly their oral cavities are very different too. This lecture will cover the basics of oral anatomy, why and how these species get dental problems including abscesses and how these cases are approached, diagnosed and treated as well as their longer term prognosis. It is suitable for veterinary nurses, newly graduated vets or those with less experience in these species wishing to understand fundamentals of this common problem.

Why do this course
If you are seeing rabbits, guinea pigs or chinchillas in practice this lecture will help you gain a better understanding of these species dental anatomy and the disease, if your looking to update your knowledge and understand some of the ways these case are approached and treated.

A convenient and flexible way to earn some CPD hours without leaving home is to select webinars to view from our extensive library of recorded webinars. They are great value for busy practitioners seeking quality CPD at a time of their choice. Participants will receive a handout (slides and/or notes) to support their viewing session and a CPD certificate.
Participants gain access to the webinar for two weeks which allows them to view it at their leisure and convenience as well as review aspects as needed to enhance their learning.

Who is it for?

vet nurses

The Speakers

Abigail Edis, FdSc RVN CertVNESExotics Veterinary NurseThe Royal Veterinary College

Number of CPD hours this event can be recorded as

1 hours

Registration and Booking

Click here to reserve your place

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