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Update On Feline Diabetes Mellitus Whats New In The World Of Diagnosis, Monitoring And Treatment?

Royal Veterinary College

5 years ago

Duration: 1 hour(s)
Cost: £20

Key Areas Prevalence, signalment and clinical signsAchieving a diagnosisTreatment options (insulin choice, dose and administration)Nursing careContinuous glucose monitoring systemsDealing with hypoglycaemia/Somogyi effectInsulin resistanceAcromegalyDiabetic remissionComplications (DKA, concurrent disease)Owner considerationsDietary/weight managementAbout this course This webinar will explore key points regarding effective diagnosis of feline diabetes (DM) and discuss the most current monitoring techniques and treatment options. Gold standard nursing care is vital, and methods for reducing patient stress whilst enhancing the owners experience will be discussed.Designed for qualified veterinary nurses or experienced student nurses wishing to update their knowledge and develop their confidence in this area.A convenient and flexible way to earn some CPD hours without leaving home is to select webinars to view from our extensive library of recorded webinars. Priced at £20 for a 1 hour webinar they are great value for busy practitioners seeking quality CPD at a time of their choice. Participants will receive a handout (slides and/or notes) to support their viewing session and a certificate for 1 CPD hours. Participants gain access to the webinar for two weeks which allows them to view it at their leisure and convenience as well as review aspects as needed to enhance their learning.Tutors Kelly Druce, BSc RVN DTLLS Medicine/Oncology Nurse and Clinical Educator The Royal Veterinary College

Who is it for?

Vet nurses

Number of CPD hours this event can be recorded as

1 hours

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