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Webinar Series In-Depth Equine Ophthalmology With Drs. Dennis Brooks & Brian Gilger

VetPD - Veterinary Professional Development

4 years ago

Duration: 27 hour(s)
Cost: £995

Ophthalmology in the horse is progressing rapidly. This in-depth module series will dramatically improve the ophthalmic capabilities of equine veterinarians and veterinary ophthalmologists at all levels of experience by providing knowledge of and insight into the latest diagnostic and therapeutic techniques and treatment options available to speed the healing of simple and complicated eye problems of the horse. Drs. Brooks & Gilger will be sharing invaluable tips and tricks and pearls of wisdom that they have acquired over the decades of experience in equine ophthalmology.Each module will consist of a?2-hour lecture?on the topic either by Dr. Dennis Brooks or by Dr. Brian Gilger,?followed by 30 minutes?of video?case?presentations?by the other person. This will be rounded off with a?30-minute Question & Answer Session?where you can interact with both Dr. Dennis Brooks and Dr. Brian Gilger to your hearts content.

Who is it for?


The Speakers

Brian GilgerDVM, MS, Dipl.ACVO, Dipl.ABT, FARVOAmerican Specialist in Veterinary OphthalmologyDennis BrooksDVM, PhD, Dipl.ACVOAmerican Specialist in Veterinary Ophthalmology

Number of CPD hours this event can be recorded as

27 hours

Registration and Booking

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