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Saturday, 27th July 2024 | 4,977 veterinary jobs online | 111 people actively seeking work | 5,508 practices registered

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Small Animal Veterinary Surgeon, Suffolk

6 months ago


Bury St Edmund’s Veterinary Centre

Jenny Reason

Bury st Edmunds, Suffolk, United Kingdom

For the first time in our (nearly) 5 year history we are advertising for a vet. What started out as Jenny and Carly has rapidly become Jenny, Carly, Sophie, James, Ash, Nat and Rose. We have previously recruited from the pool of fabulous people we know and are very proud of our (nearly) non-existent staff turnover. But we have always had the niggle of what would happen if we advertised publicly for a vet and so here it goes....


We need an experienced vet to join our already experienced team at BSEVC. I'm 100% biased, but we have the best team of Vets, RVNs & Customer Care on the planet. Our motto has always been, and will always be "do great work, with great people, for great people".


Don't get me wrong, our vets are outstanding - we have surgery and dental cert holders and general all round superstars to help out at every turn - but our crown jewels are our nursing team. They are experienced, fun and supportive. Our team of 11 RVNs, 2 SVNs backed up by 5 amazing ANAs are probably some of the most knowledgeable in the country. The customer care team are also outstanding. Booking is sensible. They are an experienced and super stable team so won't leave you in the lurch double booked. They know their job and execute it brilliantly whilst still laughing and having fun each and every day.


What do we need...?

We need someone with at least a few years in GP under their belt to come and join us. Got a cert? Great! Want one? We will help you get to where you want in your career. Want to be the best all-rounder possible? Sounds fab. This isn't an advert for "just any vet". We aren't desperate. We arent replacing anyone. We have a lot of new grads we would love to employ but we will only take them under our wing if we can keep the experienced vet % high, to support them in having an enjoyable and successful career while continuing to provide the genuinely outstanding level of care we offer our patients and clients.


Here is the basic job info:


- full time 38hrs per week, 4 day week.

- we do our own ooh (the case load is very manageable,  we only see our own clients and my old boss' practice, so it isn't mad busy.) 1 in 8 rota for weeknights and weekends.

- financial compensation on top of salary for OOH and your time back in the week if you have done a weekend.

- 20 min consultations.

- unlimited CPD budget. As long as it is at least semi relevant. So far we have only ever declined Ayla's request to do CPD in a South African jungle on the Guatemalan tree frog.

- salary 40-60k DOE

- BUPA cashplan

- monthly counselling with completely independent UKCP Reg Psychotherapeutic Counsellor.

- genuinely amazing place to work, with the very best people in the game. And the best clients. They are fab too.

- all the kit. Scopes / US / dental radiography/ ortho kit /slit lamps / tonometer etc to allow you to do your job to the best of your ability.

- Employers who are gloves on, hands on and genuinely care about the wellbeing of each and every employee.


Maybe you want a change. Maybe you want a new challenge. Maybe you are just wondering what makes us that little bit *different*?


Drop us an email to [email protected] for a completely confidential chat. Then maybe pop in for a chat, even if it just for a coffee and a biscuit (or 2.... or 5 if we have hobnobs in the kitchen).

Tel: 01284630650
Address: Eastgate street, Bury st Edmunds, Suffolk, United Kingdom

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