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Agrovet treats donkey in Kenya (credit: The Brooke)

Agrovet treats donkey in Kenya (credit: The Brooke)

Animal Organisation Brooke’s Veterinary Medicines List Endorsed By Ethiopian Government

4 months ago

4th April, 2024 12h51


An Essential Veterinary Medicines List (EVML) formed by working horse and donkey charity Brooke Ethiopia and partners has been endorsed by the Ethiopian government, helping to address gaps in the country’s animal health systems and prevent future pandemics. 

Dr Alemayehu Hailemariam, Head of Programme Development and Quality Assurance at Brooke Ethiopia, said:

“Brooke is proud and happy to lead this list of essential veterinary medicines to its first milestone, for a resource constrained country like Ethiopia. 

“There is a long road ahead of us to distribute these much-needed medicines to improve the welfare and health of our animals''.

Containing 661 core medicines, with an average of 110 applicable to each individual species, Brooke’s list is supported by The Ministry of Agriculture and Ethiopia Agriculture Authority to be implemented nationally. Working groups of experts from seven veterinary colleges were established by Brooke to develop the EVML for six animal species: poultry, equine, ruminants (large and small), pets and camels. 

Brooke hopes the list will provide animals with access to better, timelier and more standardised treatment to prevent the spread of zoonotic disease. Its creation coincides with Brooke’s wider work with the World Veterinary Association (WVA) to create the world’s first ever EVML for food producing animals. 

The EVML also addresses Ethiopia’s shortages of quality and legitimate animal vaccines, medicines and other medical supplies that have led to problems like antimicrobial resistance. Brooke’s research found that 100% of Animal Health Practitioners in Ethiopia had no access to pain relieving medications for animals, and 40% lacked basic supplies such as syringes and needles. This not only hinders vets from fulfilling their professional oath to protect animals from pain and disease, but puts humans at risk too. 

Since 2021, Brooke has been collaborating with the Ethiopian Veterinary Association (EVA) and the Ethiopian government to advocate for comprehensive animal health policies, better access to EVMs and improved veterinary diagnostics. 

Brooke would like to thank the Ethiopian government, veterinarians, reviewers and partners for their support in recognising this important achievement.  


Notes to Editor:

Brooke Action for Working Horses and Donkeys is a U.K. based, global animal health and welfare charity that gives working horses, donkeys and mules a life worth living.

Over 100 million of these animals pull carts, carry goods and work the land, earning an income that around 600 million people rely on to put food on their tables, earn a living and send their children to school. Sadly, many of them are suffering, so Brooke works with owners, communities, service providers, governments and international organisations to make long lasting welfare improvements.

Brooke was founded in 1934 when Dorothy Brooke, a British woman, sought out war horses that had been left in Cairo after the First World War. With support from an appeal letter in the Morning Post newspaper, she set up the Old War Horse Memorial, which became Brooke, and expanded across Africa, Asia, and Latin America.


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