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Dechra Feeling ‘paws-ative’ After A Fantastic LVS

2 years ago

12th December, 2022 10h38


Dechra is feeling ‘paws-ative’ after a fantastic London Vet Show (LVS) which saw the company showcase its innovative products including Mirataz and Strangvac.

Demonstrating its investment in educational initiatives to enhance best practice during consultations and yard visits, Dechra hosted exclusive CPD sessions during the event to highlight the key benefits of its products.  Featuring small animal and equine experts Dr Sam Taylor, Feline Specialist and academy lead at the International Society of Feline Medicine (ISFM); Matt Gurney, clinical director at Anderson Moores and Andrew Waller, chief scientific officer at Intervacc AB, the sessions, which took place on both Thursday and Friday, covered ‘Feline pawsative about cat inappetence’, ‘Zennovation in sedation – the next generation of alpha-2 agonists’ and ‘Rein in the impact of strangles’.

The hugely popular ‘Feline pawsative about cat inappetence’ sessions focused on the benefits of the transdermal application of Mirataz for the management of body weight gain in cats at the early stage in their weight loss journey, while further investigations into underlying conditions are being undertaken, while the ‘Zennovation in sedation – the next generation of alpha-2 agnoisits’ sessions provided delegates with an insight into a new innovation in sedation which will be available in the New Year.  Finally, Andrew Waller discussed the import role of vaccinating for strangles, alongside good stable management and biosecurity procedures, during his presentations on ‘Rein in the impact of strangles’ to help reduce the number of strangles cases in the equine population.

During LVS, visitors to the stand - which was cleverly split into defined areas illustrated by a consult room for delegates interested in companion animal products and the boot of a car for those involved in equine veterinary work – were encouraged to scan QR codes to view digital tools including a 4D ear model and the company’s strangles practice toolkit.  Delegates were also invited to participate in a prize draw for a chance to win one of four Series 8 Apple watches.

Dechra also celebrated its 25th anniversary at LVS with a drinks’ reception on its stand during ‘happy (two) hour’.

Roddy Webster, country manager UK and ROI at Dechra, comments: “LVS was a fantastic success for Dechra.  It provided us with a great opportunity to showcase our products while engaging with veterinary professionals face to face.”

Recordings of the CPD sessions and further information on the new innovation in sedation can be found on the Dechra Academy website –  For further information on Dechra’s product range please contact your local Dechra territory sales manager.

To view Dechra’s activity at LVS go to

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