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FEI-appointed Equine Ethics And Wellbeing Commission Submits Its Final Report And Recommendations At FEI General Assembly
AT this month’s FEI General Assembly in Mexico City (18 to 21st November), the FEI-appointed Equine Ethics and Wellbeing (EEWB) Commission submitted its final report. This forms the final phase of its work to address the welfare of the horse in equestrian sport and horse sport’s ‘social licence’ to operate.
The report serves as a blueprint for future-proofing equestrian sports. It points out six areas of focus identified as being of importance to equestrian stakeholders, and includes 30 recommendations developed by the Commission with the use of available scientific literature, extensive public and equestrian survey information and stakeholder feedback.
These recommendations include:
- Develop and implement of a vision statement for ‘A Good Life For Horses’ to influence transformative change in relation to strengthening social licence
- Develop and implement a robust FEI internal decision-making process to ensure that equine welfare and ethics are genuinely prioritised in the development of FEI policy and in practice.
- Establish a permanent FEI Equine Ethics and Wellbeing Independent Advisory Committee to act as a ‘critical friend’ and provide an external perspective and independent advice related to the welfare of horses in sport.
- Create a permanent internal FEI Equine Ethics and Wellbeing body to advocate specifically for the welfare interests of horses in sport
- Adopt an evidence-based approach for assessing the impact on horse welfare of new and existing items of tack and equipment in training and competition
- Implement additional checks by trained professionals and officials to ensure horses are always ‘Fit to Compete’ by investing in more extensive and stricter health and welfare monitoring pre and post competition to prevent horses entering the competition arena if experiencing pain and/or stress.
As she delivered the report at the General Assembly, EEWB Commission Chair Prof Natalie Waran acknowledged the valuable input and insights gained through discussions with a wide range of stakeholders to help inform the Commission’s work and final report. The results from the Commission’s second equestrian survey in May/June 2023 pointed to strong support for the approach the report outlines to the FEI.
“The direct and indirect influence through the leadership provided by the FEI, FEI events, equestrians and associated organisations will go a long way to ensuring that the welfare of horses involved in sport is safeguarded, risks to welfare are addressed and mitigated, and the horse’s welfare interests are prioritised at all times,” says Prof Waran. “We hope that these recommendations will support ongoing social licence to operate through proactively addressing any equine welfare concerns and promoting evidence-based changes where needed to ensure the welfare of sport horses throughout their lives.”
In line with the Commission’s terms of reference, this final report marks the end of its 18-month period of work. The FEI Board will now consider the way forward before presenting a plan for discussion at the 2024 Sports forum.
The full report can be seen HERE
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