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First Awardees Of VMG/ILM Level 5 Certificate In Veterinary Leadership And Management Qualifications Announced

2 years ago

6th December, 2022 09h56

Veterinary Management Group

Four practice managers and a head nurse have become the first to achieve the Level 5 Certificate in Veterinary Leadership and Management, a qualification launched by the Veterinary Management Group (VMG) and accredited by the Institute of Leadership and Management (ILM).  The five awardees had already achieved the first qualification stage, the Award (AVLM), before studying for the Certificate (CVLM).

An additional 23 veterinary professionals including vets, vet nurses, practice managers and other support staff, have also achieved the AVLM, while 11 have achieved a new version of the AVLM, which focuses on mental health in the veterinary workplace – the AVLM (MH).

The VMG/ILM Award, Certificate and Diploma are modular qualifications with an emphasis on flexibility, accessibility, and real-world relevance.  They have been designed to enable participants from the UK and around the world to build a qualification to suit their role, their ambitions, and their areas of interest. 

With the graduation of this latest cohort - the largest since the qualification was launched in 2020 - there are now 84 AVLM holders, in addition to the five CVLM holders and the 11 AVLM (MH) holders.  Awardees will receive their awards during next year’s VMG Congress, which takes place on 8-9 June 2023 at the Crowne Plaza, Stratford upon Avon.

Commenting on securing the CVLM, Nikki Chapman, Practice Manager at Calweton Vets in Cornwall, explained: “I had reached a point where I felt that, while I was learning a lot ‘on the job’, having more knowledge would really be beneficial, both to myself and to the team I am supporting.”

She continued: “Balancing a full-time, highly demanding role, through what has been a particularly challenging 12 months, and trying to find the time, energy and motivation to learn and commit to deadlines has been my biggest challenge in a long time.  But the feeling of success, and the reward of committing to something and achieving results, both in my assignments and in visible improvements from my increased knowledge in practice has made the challenge feel truly worth it.”  

Dr Hannah Perrin, VMG/ILM Qualifications Course Director, added: “When we created these qualifications, we wanted to ensure that they were practical, applicable and accessible. The diversity of roles and organisations represented in this latest cohort of graduates is testament to the idea that everyone can benefit from developing their leadership skills.  I’m so proud of this group and look forward to supporting our new CVLMs as they all move on to the Diploma stage.”

The VMG is the professional association for all those in leadership and management roles in the veterinary sector.  It empowers and equips veterinary leaders and their organisations to learn, share, and grow. The ILM is a professional membership body for leaders and managers and is the UK’s leading provider of leadership qualifications.  Its purpose is improving leadership development, both in the UK and worldwide, ensuring businesses and individuals are equipped for the working world now and in the future.

More information about the qualifications is available here:

Notes to editors:

Recipients of the Level 5 VMG/ILM Certificate in Veterinary Leadership and Management

Recipients of the Level 5 VMG/ILM Award in Veterinary Leadership and Management

Recipients of the Level 5 VMG/ILM Award in Veterinary Leadership and Management (Mental Health)

For further information:

Rebecca George, George PR

Tel: 01449 737281/07974 161108

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