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Survey Reveals Probiotic Use Limited By A Lack Of Owner Awareness

6 months ago

5th August, 2024 11h43

Vita Animal Health

A recent online survey* carried out by pet supplement provider, Vita Animal Health, revealed key insights into the mind of pet owners surrounding gastrointestinal upset in their dogs and the use of pre and probiotics. The survey highlighted that 64.5% of owners said their dog has suffered from gastrointestinal upset, yet 68% said they either ‘don’t know’ or are ‘not sure’ on how pre and probiotics can support gastrointestinal upset. The aim of the survey was to gather information on dog owners' perceptions of ‘tummy upset’ in their dogs and raise awareness on how pre and probiotics can support their pets’ digestive health.

Veterinary nurse and sales manager at Vita, Tara Evans, comments “We know that digestive upset is very common in dogs, and almost two thirds of the survey respondents identified that scavenging was the primary cause of upset. We want to help support pet owners in knowing how they can best look after their pet in these situations, and provide them with both educational resources and an effective product.”

When asked how they manage their dog’s digestive upset over half (51.8%) stated they used home cooked chicken and rice. Less than a third (28.6%) sought veterinary advice, and only 18.8% use a pre and probiotic, despite half of the respondents thinking they would be useful. 

“Education is key in helping owners make the best choices for their dogs” explain Tara, “Changing their diet in a time of digestive upset isn’t always the best option, so it’s important that we provide owners with up-to-date information. Vets are always happy to answer any questions and we have our dedicated vet nurse consultations to provide advice.”

A challenging time for both dog and owner, 77% of respondents worry about their dog being in distress, and 30% of respondents expressed that not knowing what to do about gastrointestinal upset causes them to worry. The survey also identified that a notable gap in knowledge remains: 68% of dog owners said they either didn’t know or were unsure on how pre and probiotics support dogs with gastrointestinal upset.

Tara continues, “We are learning more and more about the importance of the gut microbiota. It is recognised that the microbiota has a huge influence over the wellbeing of dogs, and is very useful for supporting the gut in acute episodes of digestive upset such as diarrhoea. Having a product such as Omniflora is a great tool for pet owners to reach for in times of their dog’s digestive upset.”

Vita Animal Health offers a variety of supplements and educational resources to support animal health in multiple species. Sebastian Owen, Commercial Director, discusses the importance of the dog survey, sharing that “The dog survey has given us important insights into the thinking of owners and their understanding of how best to manage digestive upset in their dogs. As well as helping us to improve the products and education that we offer to owners, we will share as much information from the survey as possible on social media and on our website.”

More information about the dog owner survey can be found on the Vita Animal Health website,, along with Vita’s broad range of supplements specifically the Omniflora supplement for nutritional digestive support –

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