Getting The Best Out Of Your Microscope The Essentials
Royal Veterinary College
Duration: 1 hour(s)
Cost: £449
Key Areas How to make good quality smears from aspirates and bloodBlood smear evaluation cell morphology and interpretationCytology of lumps and bumps, skin and earsUrinalysis brushing up the basicsAbout this course Have you ever felt frustrated on a bank holiday weekend or out of hours, when you looked down the microscope, wishing you could make sense of all the cells on your smear?Then this hands-on CPD is for you! This course will help you gain confidence about what can be seen down the scope and what it means. This will help you maximise the value of the practice microscope to the benefit of your patients and clients, whatever the day or time.Why do this course?As well as lectures to refresh the basics in haematology, cytology, and urinalysis, this course offers practical sessions on the microscope, where you can immediately apply what you have just learned. You will have a collection of cases to work through with your microscope, while the course tutors, specialists in clinical pathology and dermatology, will assist you and answer your questions
Who is it for?
The Speakers
Anke Hendricks, DrMedVet CertVD DipECVD PGCertAP FHEA MRCVS Associate Professor in Veterinary Dermatology The Royal Veterinary College Emma Holmes, BVetMed MVetMed DipACVP FHEA MRCVS Lecturer in Veterinary Clinical Pathology The Royal Veterinary College
Number of CPD hours this event can be recorded as
8 hours
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