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Musculoskeletal Ultrasound For Equine Practitioners A 2-Day Practical Course

VetPD - Veterinary Professional Development

4 years ago

Duration: 2 hour(s)
Cost: £830

This course has been designed to equip the equine practitioners with the theoretical knowledge and practical skills needed to make the most of their abilities and ultrasound machine, in the diagnosis and treatment of frequently encountered equine musculoskeletal conditions affecting the frontlimb, hindlimb and the neck. This course is suitable for all vets aiming to improve their knowledge and skills in this area, as the practical sessions will be adapted to the attendees skill levels.The course will run over two days, with a focus on highly illustrated lectures which will be systematically approached:How to get the most out of your ultrasound machineUltrasonographic Anatomy and Conditions of the Heel & Pastern Digital Flexor Tendon Sheath & Annular LigamentFetlock Joint RegionFlexor Tendons & Check LigamentsSuspensory Ligament Frontlimb vs. HindlimbElbow & Shoulder JointTarsus & Tarsal Sheath Stifle Joint RegionHip Joint & PelvisThe NeckThe speakers will be sharing invaluable tips/tricks and pearls of wisdom with the attendees during the 7 hours of practical sessions in small groups (2 4 vets per ultrasound machine) on live horses. Each attendee will be able to extensively hone his/her practical skills at the following practical stations: Machine Set-Up Heel & Pastern Digital Flexor Tendon Sheath & Fetlock Region Flexor Tendons & Check Ligaments Suspensory Ligament Frontlimb vs. HindlimbTarsus & Tarsal Sheath Stifle Joint RegionThe course fee includes hot lunches, coffee/tea breaks, the wine & cheese reception, extensive electronic course notes and a certificate of attendance. Attendees can choose to only attend the lectures (= Lectures Only) on this course or can register for the entire course (= Lectures & Practical Sessions). Early course registration is recommended as there are only a limited number of places available due to the highly practical nature of this course.

Who is it for?

Equine Practitioners

The Speakers

Marcus HeadBVetMed, MRCVSRoger SmithMA, VetMB, PhD, DEO, Dipl.ECVSMR, Dipl.ECVS, FRCVSAndy Fiske-JacksonBVSc, MVetMed, FHEA, Dipl.ECVS, MRCVS

The Venue

Clinica Equina TiberioTreviso, Italy

Number of CPD hours this event can be recorded as

15 hours

Registration and Booking

Click here to reserve your place

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