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Practical ECC For Nurses

Central CPD

2 years ago

Date: Friday 15th September, 2023
Start time: 10:00 AM
Cost: £349

The nursing of emergency and critical care patients can feel extremely stressful but, when approached systematically and with confidence, it can also be a rewarding challenge. These patients often have a requirement for indwelling medical devices such as catheters or drains as well as tubes for assisted feeding and nurses can be actively involved in supporting the placement of these devices as well as play an important role in the ongoing care and monitoring. In addition nurses must be familiar with the concept of CPR and current protocols so they feel fully prepared should the critical patient deteriorate.

A combination of theory and practical sessions will be used to explore some of the more commonly utilised techniques and indwelling routes of treatment used in the management of the sick hospitalised patient. The theoretical component of this course aims to refresh your knowledge of the indications when specific catheters, drains, tubes and techniques may be considered, as well as placement methods, the principles of management and how to troubleshoot complications. A significant part of the day will be spent in practical sessions giving you the opportunity to practice the techniques discussed in the lectures.

Topics to be covered include:

Central venous catheters
Nasal oxygen catheters
Naso-oesophageal feeding tubes
Urinary catheters
Seldinger chest drains
Please Note: This is a cadaver-based course

Number of CPD hours this event can be recorded as

7 hours

Registration and Booking

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