Tibial Plateau Levelling Osteotomy (TPLO)
University of Nottingham

Date: Tuesday 22nd October, 2024 - Wednesday 23rd October, 2024
Start time: 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Duration: 16 hour(s)
Cost: FREE
This highly practical two-day Masterclass is dedicated to understanding and performing TPLO surgery.
Day 1 will cover theoretical principles and practice of TPLO including plastic bone exercises and bone templating.
Day 2 will be dedicated to cadaveric surgical exercises of TPLO. The course will utilise post-operative radiographs to carefully critique each delegates' TPLO surgery, allowing individuals to learn from each other's performance.
Topics to be covered include:
History and evolution of the TPLO technique
Case selection
Pre-operative templating
The TPLO surgical procedure including tricks and tips to make the operation as safe and repeatable as possible
Post-operative radiographs; assessment and critiqueManaging issues with plating and tips to make the surgery safe and repeatable
Required delegate attributes
Delegates should have intermediate experience of orthopaedic surgery including familiarity with making osteotomies and internal fixation of fractures. Delegates should also be familiar with stifle anatomy and surgical approach, performing an arthrotomy, inspecting and resecting meniscal lesions etc. Delegates should also understand fixation techniques including non-locking plates, compression and neutral screws, and locking plates.
Who is it for?
Veterinary surgeons
The Speakers
Gareth Arthurs
Number of CPD hours this event can be recorded as
16 hours
Registration and Booking
Click here to reserve your place
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