Online CPD Mini Module - Small Animal Emergency And Critical Care
University of Liverpool

Date: Monday 19th February, 2024 - Sunday 24th March, 2024
Start time: 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Duration: 4 hour(s)
Cost: £420
We are delighted to introduce the line-up for this year's online mini modules in small animal Emergency and Critical Care. Ideal for all general practitioners seeing ECC cases, and designed to allow ECC Advanced Practitioners to top-up their desingation-specific CPD with cutting-edge teaching.
This 100% online CPD mini-module has been developed and aimed towards the more experienced veterinary surgeon. The module content has been developed by veterinary specialists at the forefront of current veterinary research.
The module will provide you with 25 hours of designation specific CPD. Over four weeks we will cover a different weekly topic in an area in which there may have been changes, advances or controversy in recent years.
Course content:
Week 1: 19 February 2024
Diagnostic Imaging in ECC
Speaker: Frederike Schiborra Dr. med.vet, DipECVDI, MRCVS.
Frederike, Senior Lecturer in Diagnostic Imaging at the University of Liverpool will cover more ECC cases this year, where students take an imaging-rounds approach to ECC problem-solving.
Week 2: 26 February 2024
Soft Tissue Surgery ECC
Speaker: Matteo Rossanese DVM SPSA CertAVP MSc MRCVS.
Matteo is a staff Clinician in Soft Tissue Surgery at the Royal Veterinary College. Moving on from last year's Soft Tissue content, this year Matteo will present lectures on diaphragmatic rupture in the cat, post-operative abdominal haemorrhage after ovariohysterectomy, and oropharyngeal stick injuries in the ECC setting.
Week 3: Break Week
Week 4: 11 March 2024
Point Of Care Ultrasound (POCUS)
Speaker: Ludivine Boiron DVM MSc MRCVS DACVECC.
Ludivine is a European Veterinary Specialist in Emergency and Critical Care. Ultrasound is a key tool in the emergency setting, allowing assessment of abdominal and thoracic cavities with a minimal of restraint and risk to the patient. However, the required skills can be difficult to acquire, Ludivine will help you progress in this area, which is a firm passion of hers!
Week 5: 18 March 2024
Cardiology Cases in ECC
Speaker: James McMurrough BVSc CertAVP (SAM) CertAVP (VC) MRCVS
This year James will present four topics which are fundamental to cardiology patients in ECC; diagnosis and treatment of congestive heart failure, feline aortic thromoembolism, and pericardial disease.
Each week of the mini module will present recorded lectures on the above topics, which you can view at your convenience, plus quizzes and reading lists. Every week we will also schedule a live interactive Zoom session with your hosts and peers - by popular demand all weeks now have scheduled live sessions, with the removal of weekly discussion boards.
Start date: 30 October 2023
Cost: £420
Who is it for?
This 100% online CPD mini-module has been developed and aimed towards the more experienced veterinary surgeon.
Number of CPD hours this event can be recorded as
25 hours
Registration and Booking