Online CPD Mini Module - Small Animal Medicine
University of Liverpool

Date: Monday 19th February, 2024 - Sunday 24th March, 2024
Start time: 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Duration: 4 hour(s)
Cost: £420
This 100% online CPD mini-module has been developed and aimed towards the more experienced veterinary surgeon. The module content has been developed by veterinary specialists at the forefront of current veterinary research.
The module will provide you with 25 hours of designation specific CPD. Over four weeks we will cover a different weekly topic in an area in which there may have been changes, advances or controversy in recent years.
The course is taught and tutored by Liverpool and other external veterinary specialists, following a similar format to the University of Liverpool’s CertAVP modules. With online lectures, discussion boards and weekly MCQ tests designed to help support your learning, this short Small Animal Medicine mini-module will provide a fun and interactive way to ensure you keep up to date in your area of interest.
Course content:
Week 1: 19 February 2024
Updates in Feline Infectious Peritonitis (FIP)
Speaker: Ellie Mardell MA VetMB DSAM(fel) MRCVS
Recent years have seen major breakthroughs in our ability to both diagnose and treat feline infectious peritonitis (FIP). In this mini module we will examine how this alters our approach to cases, including suspected cases. We will touch on the theoretical aspects of diagnostic testing, with respect to the pathophysiology of the disease. Case examples, both typical and more unusual presentations, will be used to demonstrate how we can now more rapidly and more confidently make a diagnosis of FIP in the majority of cases. Financial and ethical implications of diagnosis, treatment, and monitoring will be reviewed, and an approach to the situation of limited finances discussed. Lastly the lectures will summarise the story so far in terms of rapidly gathered global knowledge about treatment response rates, durability and adverse events.
However, we will see that there is still much that will only be discovered as time elapses, such as what our expectation should be for long term outcome, what may happen in terms of development of drug resistance both in the individual and in the general cat population, and what is the optimal treatment protocol for specific presentations.
Week 2: 26 February 2024
Why are pandemic pets different? How does the difference impact on pets, caregivers and the veterinary team?
Speaker: Sarah Heath BVSc PgCertVE DipECAWBM(BM) CCAB FHEA FRCVS, RCVS and European Veterinary Specialist in Behavioural Medicine
The Covid-19 pandemic had considerable impact on the human population and many caregivers and veterinary professionals have reported a perception that pets born and acquired during the pandemic period are different from other pets they have cared for. This module will examine this pandemic pet phenomenon and explore the many factors that have influenced this. It will explain the science behind the differences that are being observed in these pandemic pets. There will be discussion about the impact of the pandemic on pregnant queens and bitches and the knock on effect of this on their offspring. Information about the influence of physical and social environments on the development of puppies and kittens during the pandemic will also be considered. The ways in which differences in emotional health and resulting behaviours have impacted on caregivers and veterinary teams will be discussed and approaches to the challenges posed by pandemic pets will be investigated.
Week 3: Break Week
Week 4: 11 March 2024
Top tips for diagnosis and management of Canine and Feline Calcium Disorders
Speakers: Susanna Spence BVMS DipECVIM-CA MRCVS, RCVS and European Veterinary Specialist in Internal Medicine / Mary Trehy BSc BVetMed DipECVIM MRCVS, RCVS and European Veterinary Specialist in Internal Medicine
This week will address the identification and management of disorders of calcium homeostasis. These cases can be challenging to manage as imbalances can be life-threatening, and can be associated with underlying conditions requiring rapid intervention. They can however be very rewarding patients to treat. A logical approach and timely identification of the underlying condition is key to managing these patients effectively.
The four sessions will explore specific conditions leading to hypercalcaemia and hypocalcaemia, in dogs and cats, respectively, with a brief introduction to the underlying pathophysiology and approach to these problems. Cases will be presented in the live session to consolidate the key learning points.
Week 5: 18 March 2024
Pyrexia of Unknown Origin (PUO): An Evidence-Based Approach
Speaker: Kathy Lunn BVMS MS PhD DACVIM
When is pyrexia not pyrexia? When is it truly PUO? What are the most common causes of PUO in dogs and cats? What tests are most likely to reveal the cause of PUO? What are the best tests for infectious causes? Should you treat the pyrexia itself? What are the treatment options if you don’t have a confirmed diagnosis?
If you have ever pondered any of these questions, this mini nodule is for you! We will use the literature as a guide as we discuss the approach to PUO in dogs and cats.
Start date: 19 February 2024
Cost: £420
Who is it for?
This 100% online CPD mini-module has been developed and aimed towards the more experienced veterinary surgeon.
Number of CPD hours this event can be recorded as
25 hours
Registration and Booking