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Anderson Moores Veterinary Specialists, in Winchester, has confirmed two further cases of cutaneous and renal glomerular vasculopathy, the first of the new ‘season’.

Anderson Moores Veterinary Specialists, in Winchester, has confirmed two further cases of cutaneous and renal glomerular vasculopathy, the first of the new ‘season’.

Anderson Moores Confirms First CRGV Deaths Of Season

8 months ago

28th November, 2023 12h27

Linnaeus Group

Anderson Moores Veterinary Specialists (AMVS) has confirmed the first two cases of deadly cutaneous and renal glomerular vasculopathy (CRGV) for the new ‘season’.

Linnaeus-owned AMVS in Winchester has confirmed the first two cases of the new season – which sees the majority of cases reported usually between November and April.

The dogs were located in Claygate, Surrey, and Farringdon, Hampshire.

The new cases take the total of deaths so far in 2023 to seven and the overall number of confirmed fatalities in the UK to 297 since records began.

Josh Walker, an American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine (ACVIM) diplomate and RCVS recognised specialist in small animal internal medicine, leads the CRGV research at Anderson Moores, which has been working on the devastating disease since 2012 and has a dedicated CRGV website which offers advice and information, including an up-to-date UK map of cases.

He said: “Unfortunately, we have to confirm two further cases of CRGV in 2023, the first of the new season, following 11 confirmed cases in the UK last year.

“We’re now entering the time of year when cases of CRGV are most likely and I’m sorry to have to report we have confirmed the deaths of a three-year-old Hungarian Visla in Surrey and a two-year-old cocker spaniel in Hampshire.

“As a result, we are now urging all dog owners to be especially vigilant over the coming months.

“We would also like to highlight that we are aware of other potential and likely cases in the UK; however, certain criteria require fulfilment to allow us to confirm a case based on review of a patient’s history and tissue analysis.

“We continue to support veterinarians with this assessment and encourage concerned vets to get in touch.”

CRGV, which originally appeared in the late 1980s, was first detected in the UK in 2012. It affects the kidneys and has a 90 per cent mortality rate.

While Alabama Rot is often fatal, Mr Walker said the best chance of recovery probably lies with early and intensive veterinary care, which may be best provided at a specialist facility.

He said: “We have been at the forefront of research into CRGV for almost a decade and have witnessed first-hand the often-devastating effects of the disease.

“Treatment largely revolves around management of the sudden onset kidney failure and, sadly, with our current understanding of the disease, is only successful in around 10 per cent of cases.”

Mr Walker added that he hoped Anderson Moores’ dedicated CRGV website would be a useful tool in raising awareness among dog owners and informing referring colleagues on the disease.

“We aim to give pet owners and, of course, our veterinary colleagues as much information as possible via our bespoke CRGV website,” he said.

“We hope the map of confirmed cases will also prove useful. Although an environmental trigger has not been definitively proven, the seasonality of the disease makes it eminently possible and our map allows anyone who visits the website to see the location of confirmed cases.”

Anderson Moores offers specialist care in anaesthesia and analgesia, cardiology, dentistry, dermatology, diagnostic imaging, emergency and critical care, feline hyperthyroid clinic, internal medicine, neurology, oncology, orthopaedics and soft tissue surgery.

To view Anderson Moores’ dedicated CRGV website, which includes a nationwide map of cases. visit

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