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SenseHub Inline Milk Monitoring Laptop

SenseHub Inline Milk Monitoring Laptop

Bespoke Monitoring Support To Improve Herd Health Planning

1 year ago

3rd January, 2024 12h02

MSD Animal Health

MSD Animal Health UK Limited (a division of Merck & Co., Inc., Rahway, N.J., USA (NYSE: MRK)) has launched a bespoke training service to help dairy farmers and their vets make better use of their SenseHub® Dairy herd monitoring systems and to improve herd health and reproduction planning.


The new MSD Animal Health Insights service will provide bespoke training – delivered by an MSD Animal Health veterinary advisor – based on the individual needs of dairy herds and their managers.

“No two farming systems are the same, and no two dairy herds have identical requirements in terms of heat, health and wellbeing monitoring,” explains MSD Animal Health regional veterinary advisor, Dr Liz CresswellMRCVS.

“As such, and in order to enable farmers to get more from their investment in herd monitoring, we have launched a new service which will be tailored to each herd’s specific requirements.”

The new service is made up of three main phases: the first combines the initial on-boarding session (held 7-14 days after a new SenseHub Dairy system has been installed to outline the basics of the monitoring system to the farmer and any relevant staff) with the identification of the farm’s key goals.

The second session, held within three months, will bring the farm vet into the loop, to enable them to be familiarised with the SenseHub system and to identify the key parameters and insights that will help them to address any specific challenges the herd may have.

Finally, a third session will set joint action goals which will focus on optimising the use of SenseHub to enable the herd’s performance to continue to improve and open opportunities for future engagement.

“MSD Animal Health is at the forefront of bridging the gap between biopharmaceuticals and technological solutions to improve the lives of animals and the people who care for them,” Dr Cresswell adds. “The data collated and analysed by SenseHub can provide a wealth of useful insights into how the dairy herd is performing, but many farmers and vets are only using the system’s most basic features.

“The next logical step is therefore for us to empower farmers with additional resources so that they can get the best results from their investment in herd monitoring. We also want to enable farm vets to confidently use the realtime data generated by SenseHub and focus on preventative herd health planning.”

MSD Animal Health Insights is available to new users of the SenseHub GO subscription package and SenseHub Premium plan.


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