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Blaise Launches Extensive Free-to-attend CPD Programme

4 weeks ago

16th January, 2025 11h26

IVC Evidensia UK & IE

Blaise Veterinary Referral Hospital, IVC Evidensia’s flagship hospital in Longbridge, Birmingham, has announced a comprehensive programme of free-to-attend CPD events for veterinary professionals looking to expand their knowledge and experience throughout 2025.

The educational events will see members of Blaise’s multi-disciplinary team host a mix of online and in-person sessions on topics spanning cardiology, seizure treatment, orthopaedics and more.  

Lara Dempsey, head of soft tissue surgery at the hospital, will kick off with ‘To close or not to close, that is the question’ on Monday 27 January. The online session will cover tips and tricks for open wound management and wound closure options, case studies and Lara’s preferred products to use in practice. 

On Thursday 8 May, head of anaesthesia and analgesia Jacques Ferreira will host an in-depth, full day workshop on pain management in person at Blaise’s modern CPD suite. Attendees will develop their understanding of acute and chronic pain, and the difference between them, as well as a take a deep dive into theory on the subject. Jacques will also discuss the future of nerve blocks and share simple techniques that can be used in practice. 

Julie Davis, hospital director at Blaise, said: 

“We have an incredible team here at Blaise and are very much looking forward to sharing our collective knowledge with colleagues from across the veterinary profession. These sessions provide excellent opportunities for attendees to learn from the extensive expertise and skills of others, ultimately advancing the standards of veterinary care as well as their own professional development.”

The full programme of free CPD events includes: 

To register for a CPD event, or to find out more about Blaise, visit Easily accessible from the A38, Blaise is open 24/7 for referrals from surrounding daytime vet practices and for emergencies. 

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