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Get Your FREE Copy Of Petplans Healthy Pets Guide Book

14 years ago

19th November, 2010 16h54

Petplan, the UK’s favourite pet and leading equine insurer, has launched a new helpful booklet for pet owners called ‘Healthy Pets, Happy You’.
Healthy Pets Guide Image
The booklet, provides pet owners with practical, fun and useful information on how to carefully look after their pet, whether they own cats, dogs, rabbits and/or horses. Its aim is to help pet owners identify any signs of an unwell pet or the risks associated with their pet’s age and its surrounding environment. The booklet features tips and advice on diet, exercise, training, behaviour, welfare and safety, and also includes fun quizzes, entertaining facts and figures, cute animal photos, interesting case studies and much more. Petplan’s Marketing Manager, Alison Andrew said: “We are delighted to be providing pet owners with necessary information on how they can help keep their pets healthy. As the pet people, we feel it is important that we take a leadership position when it comes to keeping British pets fit and healthy, which is why we work hard to ensure that our policy holders and other pet owners have healthy pets.” Results from a recent survey by Petplan of over 10,000 UK pet owners highlighted the need for pet owners to become more vigilant when it comes to their pet’s diet. The survey revealed that 8 out of 10 pet-owners fed their pets human food, ranging from ice cream and muffins to fish & chips, curry and Chinese take-away, the guide will help encourage pet owners to keep their pets healthy, as the UK faces disconcerting rises in pet obesity. Download your FREE copy of the Petplan Healthy Pets Guide now, from

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