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Wildlife and Exotics Congress Agenda

Wildlife and Exotics Congress Agenda

New Wildlife And Exotics Congress For Veterinary Nurses

1 year ago

1st August, 2023 23h13

The College of Animal Welfare

Are you wild about exotics? Or perhaps a natural with wildlife? If so, the new CAW Wildlife and Exotics Congress could be for you!

The College of Animal Welfare is delighted to be expanding its range of virtual congresses further this winter by welcoming Wildlife and Exotics Congress to its family!

The Wildlife and Exotics Congress will be held online on Thursday 19 October 2023 and is specifically aimed at veterinary nurses that are seeking to expand their knowledge and expertise in the care of wildlife and exotic animals. Whether you are already a wildlife enthusiast looking to learn more, or you work in general practice and come across these patients but feel that you need a little more confidence to care for them to the best of your ability, this congress is for you!

With the growing importance of wildlife conservation and the increasing popularity of exotic pets, the veterinary profession is facing new challenges in providing top-tier care for these unique and diverse creatures. As such, the agenda has been created to cover a variety of different species, including the care of British wild fauna, triaging the avian patient, blood sampling and common medications of rabbits, dealing with reptiles in general practice, and nursing aquatic patients.

Throughout the day, as well as listening to presentations, attendees will have the opportunity to interact with speakers through live Q&A sessions, network with each other and take part in a virtual exhibition.

"Our goal with this congress is to empower veterinary nurses with the knowledge and skills needed to make a positive impact in the lives of wildlife and exotic animals," said Claire Gregory, Events Manager at The College of Animal Welfare. "By bringing together leading experts in this field, we aim to create a platform for continuous learning and development”.

Registration for the One Day Wildlife and Exotics Congress is now open, and early bird discounts are available until Friday 25 August 2023. For more information, or to book a place, please visit

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