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RCVS Trust Librarian Cycling To Raise Funds For The RCVS Trust

20 years ago

28th July, 2004 00h00

As RCVS Trust Librarian, I've spent far too long in the basement sorting through dusty tomes. I'm now planning to stretch my legs and fill my lungs with fresh air. I'll be cycling 300 kilometres across southern Uganda and into Rwanda to raise funds for the RCVS Trust. This continues the tradition of cycling fundraising started by Stephen Ware and others last year with the first Tour de Vets, from London to Edinburgh. The RCVS Trust Library, which supports the contemporary information needs of the animal health field, will directly benefit from this Challenge. Furthermore one of the projects supported by the RCVS Trust is the placement of a veterinarian in Uganda with Voluntary Service Overseas. As a former VSO volunteer himself I am pleased to be associated with such initiatives and am looking to maximise funds for the Challenge. So please sponsor me now! Many thanks for your support. David Potter RCVS Trust Librarian To sponsor David, click on the link below...

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