Vygon Vet, Veterinary Supplies - Launch Procedural Custom Pack Service

14 years ago

8th November, 2010 11h40
Vygon Vet, a division of Vygon (UK) Ltd, has launched a procedural custom pack service due to the increasing concern around hospital acquired infections. The new service is available to all veterinary practices in a bid to improve clinical standards in the operating theatre.

Vygon Vet’s procedural custom packs contain all the single-use devices required for a specific procedure enclosed within a sterile wrap. Components available include draping material, theatre clothing, swabs, kidney dishes, forceps etc. The service has been developed to reduce infection risks, but also to help manage staff resources more effectively and identify total procedure costs for billing purposes.
The first custom pack is now being used by the team of clinicians at Charter Veterinary Hospital. Of the new service, Dave Tittle BVetMed MRCVS said “The pack contains everything we need, designed to our specification, and will save us theatre preparation time and added expense”.
A number of customers have committed themselves to the new service and by the end of 2010 Vygon Vet aims to have many more practices on board. The custom pack service supports Vygon Vet’s vast range of theatre draping packs already available.
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