Dr Luisa Smith, Practising Equine Vet From Essex Wins BEVA Research Award

13 years ago

30th September, 2011 17h14
Dr Luisa Smith, a practising equine vet from Essex, has received the important BEVA Richard Hartley Clinical Award in recognition of her research on post-operative colic. The research was conducted in conjunction with Dr Tim Mair, also a practising vet, who received the award on Luisa’s behalf at the British Equine Veterinary Association (BEVA) Congress, held in Liverpool earlier this month.
Dr Luisa Smith of
House & Jackson veterinary surgeons in Essex, won the award for her paper
Are horses that undergo an exploratory laparotomy for correction of a right dorsal displacement of the large colon predisposed to post operative colic, compared to other forms of large colon displacement? The paper was published in the January 2010 issue of Equine Veterinary Journal.
The award is given in memory of Richard Hartley, a founder member of BEVA and president from 1974-1975. It is awarded for evidence-based papers and the prize is intended to support travel of the senior author and/or co-authors.
Dr Smith said: “I am delighted that the work Tim and I have been conducting on incidences of post-operative colic has been recognised in this way – it is both a privilege and an honour to have won the Richard Hartley Award.”
Deidre Carson, outgoing President of BEVA, continued: “Often this award is received by those in academic or research posts so we take particular pleasure in presenting it to a vet in general practice. Combining flagship research with the demanding day-to-day duties of a busy veterinary practice is commendable. This paper provides clinically applicable information for every vet who sees colic cases and needs to advise owners on the risks of surgery.”
Other awards announced at BEVA Congress were to Professor Kenneth Hinchcliff (et al), Dean of the Faculty of Veterinary Science at the University of Melbourne, Australia, who receives the BEVA Trust Peter Rossdale EVJ Open Award for the paper
Risk factors for exercise-induced pulmonary haemorrhage in thoroughbred racehorses, Brigadier Paul Jepson who received the BEVA Equine Welfare Award, sponsored by The Blue Cross in recognition of his many contributions to equine welfare; Emma Nettleton, who received the BEVA Trust Queen Mother Award for her travel report on her visit to Randwick Equine Centre in Sydney, Australia and Drs. Margreet Ploeg of the University of Utrecht, who received the Voorjaarsdagen and BEVA Award for her clinical research paper entitled
Aorto-pulmonary fistulation in the Friesian horse: clinical characterization of 31 cases combined with histopathological features. Lifting a tip of the veil.
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