The Yellow Pages Are Dead - Marketing Your Veterinary Practice In The Digital Age

14 years ago

21st March, 2011 10h51
An eBook by Dave Nicol - Available Now
The Internet has burst into life. It’s been around for a while now but it’s only in the past five years that things have really changed dramatically.
What’s been the difference? Two things. Firstly, we’re way past a point where the web was just a geeky thing for spotty tech-heads. The Internet is everywhere.
Secondly (and this is the game changer) – social media has allowed all these online users to band together into huge online communities.
In 1994 it was almost impossible to communicate with someone else unless you had his or her email address. Now you just hop onto your favourite social media site and hook up with one of the millions of other users out there.
It’s this connectedness that businesses should be excited about, or terrified of. Never before has the consumer had so much power and never before have businesses had such an amazing way to reach so many customers for so small a financial outlay.
For once this is a trend and tool that is not beyond the reach of veterinary practices. In fact, such is the trust and interest in what we do, I can think of few other businesses in such a good position to take advantage.
Many vet practices have already set up their Facebook accounts or twitter pages. Few however have joined the dots to really take advantage of the opportunity.
This book will teach you what you need to do to effectively harness the power of the web to grow your business. And as we’re currently in the midst of a global recession/depression such an advantage can’t come quickly enough.
This eBook, the first of its kind, will show you how to create the type of content (including articles and videos) pet owners want, how to get it in front of them and finally how to convert web visitors into customers who pay to use your real life veterinary services.
In the book, author,
Dave Nicol draws from his experiences of being a vet, a business owner and a veteran website editor (having managed no fewer than six commercial websites in the last decade). In his customarily upfront, plain-spoken and highly practical way he has created an easy read that teaches you everything you need to know about operating an effective website.
After Reading The Yellow Pages Are Dead You Will:
- understand why the web is useful to your practice
- Learn how to create remarkable content for you practice website
- Harness the power of social media and drive more visitors to your practice website
- Convert online prospects into paying customers in your clinic
- Create an amazing website that is an asset to your practice not an embarrassment
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