Emerging from the needs of a large number of veterinarians already involved in aquatic animal medicine a new veterinary organisation has bee...
How many people can you count on your hand that you could say for absolute certainty will be a friend for life?! Yet with the world’s g...
The Kennel Club Picture Library is proud to launch the third annual Dog Photographer of the Year Competition at Crufts 2007. This competitio...
In six short months, small animal veterinarians, scholars, nurses, and industry representatives will meet in the beautiful city of Sydney, A...
Fewer backyards and overly restrictive local government regulations could be behind the latest figures showing a decline in pet ownership in...
The Philippine Veterinary Medical Association has launched a website at www.pvma.com.ph. As well as new of the PVMA Board activities and a n...
The Bella Moss Foundation sponsered by Pet Plan wil raise awarness of MRSA in animals. THE BELLA MOSS FOUNDATION is a testament to one wo...
Health insurance for companion animals can be almost as confusing as human health insurance, but it also can come in handy—particularly fo...
Pill may help owners help dogs shed extra pounds - A moment on the lips, a lifetime on the hips. It turns out that adage applies to dogs as ...
The Animal Health Trust, in partnership with The British Horse Society, has launched a campaign to increase awareness of Strangles. We are a...
Veterinary Insights
My god, that was amazing, Morgan has a home, someone read my article and volunteered!!! Thanks Vetclick...Veterinary Insights
Hi, sorry to bother you all. But does anyone know anyone, who wants an EBT? She is only 2, neutered, vaccs'd, M/C and just had her eye remo...A group of 17 newly-qualified veterinary nurses gathered at the RCVS in London on 20 February 2007 to receive VN certificates in Small Anima...
We have recently changed our address. Please can all clients amend their records to the following: Safavet Direct Admail ADM4017 Covent...
The Kennel Club Charitable Trust has launched a recycling campaign and is asking supporters to help raise funds for the Trust by recycling t...
The top 20 breed figures are now available to view and print off from the Kennel Club website. Top 20 Registered Breeds The Labrador R...
Take a look at what makes Crufts the world’s greatest dog show, by visiting the new website www.crufts.org.uk. Crufts has always been big...
So far no sustained virus transmission in cats or from cats to humans - Rome. Cats can become infected with the highly lethal H5N1 avian inf...
Hauptner dehorners with extended handles makes user friendly to both sexes, very good condition. £400 Contact David Bailey on e-mail ...
Poultry found dead on a farm near Lowestoft in Suffolk contained the H5N1 avian flu virus, according to tests from the Veterinary Laboratori...
Americans continue to regard veterinarians highly, with the profession ranking third for honesty and ethics among 23 occupations in a recent...
Pets are an important part of the household. Your pet-owning experience will be most enjoyable if you carefully consider which pet best suit...
Pets are an important part of the household. Your pet-owning experience will be most enjoyable if you carefully consider which pet best suit...
26th – 28th January Telford International Conference Centre We shall be returning to Telford once again to enjoy the bigger and bette...
Petsavers is joining in with the BSAVA 50th anniversary celebrations with the launch of the first Petsavers Photography Competition. To ...
A unique opportunity to take part in a Charity Race at Aintree on Grand National Day and to raise a minimum of £5,000 for the Animal Health...
Welcoming today (Tuesday) the news that the wild-caught bird trade is to be permanently banned throughout the EU because of fears for animal...
Actress Felicity Kendal presented The Blue Cross Medal for animal heroism today to Jake, a Metropolitan explosives dog who cleared the scene...
The World Animal Health Information Database (WAHID) interface is now available on the OIE web Site and operational. This new extensive data...
Stellar Vets
Another one of oue trainee nurse's has become a fully qualified nurse with a first time pass!. Congratulations to Laura and to our training ...Stellar Vets
Helen Bourne has now become Helen Hammond. Congratulations to Helen on your wedding, it was a wonderful day had by all, thankyou....The biennial animal welfare conference Asia for Animals, will be held in Chennai, India, from the 10th of January until the 12th of January,...
Increased surveillance of poultry essential for success. The deadly H5N1 bird flu virus remains a “potent threat around the world – b...
Remedies urgently needed Which causes more greenhouse gas emissions, rearing cattle or driving cars? Surprise! According to a new...
SCOTTSDALE, Ariz. – (January 7th, 2007) Imulan BioTherapeutics, LLC (Imulan), a privately-held bioscience company, announced the world...
Budget Vets are supporting a registered charity The Exotic Animal Welfare Trust in 2007. If anyone would like to know more about CPD in exot...
Dear Colleague, Please note the details of our Christmas opening hours and last order deadlines for pre-Christmas deliveries. Monday 1...
Veterinary practices have been alerted to watch out for the latest version of the BVA/RSPCA Memorandum of Understanding, currently being iss...
British pet owners spend over £5 billion on their pets every year, suggests the results of the nation’s only Pet Census survey, published...
Dear Nurses and Students I would like to send a personal invitation to vets, nurses and students to one of a series of MRSA seminars bei...
Doctors and veterinarians need to work together to tackle the increasing global threat of zoonotic viral diseases spread by non-human verteb...
Laura Poole, a veterinary nurse from the country’s oldest charitable animal hospital, marks the sacrifice made by animals in wars at the A...
VetClick has set up a new dedicated Wildlife Rescue and Rehabilitation forum. Moderated by Caroline Gould, the founder and manager of Va...
Each year at Congress the BSAVA presents awards in recognition of the contributions made by individuals working in the small animal field. Y...
An increasing number of dogs are ingesting polyurethane glue, according to the Animal Poison Control Center of the American Society for the ...
Are you stuck for what to buy the cat lover who has everything? If so, a Cats Protection Calendar or Diary could be the purr-fect solution! ...
Guide Dogs are working with RNIB and Action for Blind People on a campaign calling for all blind and partially-sighted people to be eligible...
PetSavers - Win a signed copy! - For a chance to win a copy of Celebrity Chef’s Dish of the Day signed by Delia Smith, one of the cont...
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