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Scrabble blocks spelling out the words 'Success favours the prepared'

Scrabble blocks spelling out the words 'Success favours the prepared'

Are You Prepared To Implement A CT Modality In Your Practice?

2 years ago

20th December, 2022 10h43


A CT scanner is a great investment into better diagnosis and treatment options and lifts the general quality and reputation for each veterinary practice or clinic.

There are a few things to consider before the purchase to avoid surprises at your end. There are not only different models of CT-Scanners, but also other conditions such as staff, time factors and total costs ultimately determine whether the purchase pays off in the long term.

It may be worth investigating how close your nearest practice is that offers CT services. This would influence the number of referral patients you would gain. Informal partnerships often develop between practices with mutual benefit for all concerned.

Financials and time resources

Note: The infrastructure and service offerings have a direct impact to choose the right modality.

Staff and expertise

Note: The quality of the CT scan has a significant impact on its diagnostic value.


Note: Resources in teleradiology are very limited, ensure you choose your provider in advance.

Hospital owners often first ask themselves: What minimum number of CT scans do I need per month to make the purchase worthwhile? Be meticulous when considering this factor as it can distort the overall calculation or value of the modality, creating pressure to perform unnecessary CT scans.

Therefore, consider the overall impact on your clinic as a unit:

Note: To calculate the return on investment for your CT machine, you should consider the impact it will have on increasing the reputation of your practice as a high level medical facility.

Do you need support?

DiploVets offers more than just diagnostics. We also understand us as a point of contact for questions and uncertainties that arise in connection with imaging.

Together we achieve the best diagnosis and treatment options.


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