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Close up photo of a cat under a magnifying glass

Where Can I Find Well-founded Information On CT Scanners?

2 years ago

29th December, 2022 11h11


If you are in the market to purchase a CT scanner, long-term satisfaction is one of the key factors you need to consider. 

The system you select must meet your practice’s needs, produce high-quality studies and should have an uncomplicated user interface, so that the daily handling can be quickly routinized and you can proceed efficiently.

Before deciding on a particular system, the following information needs to be obtained:

Save yourself valuable research time and concentrate on the following important sources of information:

Ask your colleagues!

Advice from other radiologists and technicians with CT expertise are invaluable

Aside from reflecting direct experience with specific equipment, colleagues have mostly gone through the same decision-making process, so their advice can often shorten the path to the right decision. 
To aid you in your decision, you may want to arrange to spend time with a veterinary radiologist or technician who processes a great deal of CT studies or ask to visit more than one imaging practice to get exposure to different systems. 
Observe the handling of the system to get a feel for the ease of use. 

Veterinary Journals

There are several veterinary articles available that focus on CT methods and protocols. Although they may not specifically be about the product itself, it may be useful to see which systems are commonly used in the veterinary field. 

Distributors and manufacturers

Distributors either have several CT systems in their portfolio or only work with one specific manufacturer. Market leader manufacturers usually offer a wide range of systems and also often provide delivery and further system support. Product catalogs provide an initial information base, as well as direct contacts and personal advice. It is important to ask about how offered systems differ from competitor models and to what extend they are specific to veterinary medicine.

Most distributors and manufacturers have a responsible contact person who can easily be reached. If not, simply contact the customer service.

Trade shows and conventions

Digital X-ray technology manufacturers can be found at many exhibitions, trade shows and conventions. Here, you can have direct contact with representatives from exhibiting manufacturers where you will be provided the opportunity to have the operation 
of a CT machine explained directly to you and to discuss any advantages or disadvantages of a particular product.

Do you need support? 

From our own experience, credible information about CT scanners is limited.

DiploVets offers more than just diagnostics. If you are looking for an experienced advisor, do not hesitate to contact us with your questions and uncertainties directly! 

Together we achieve the best diagnosis and treatment options.


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